Cool off From the Summer Heat

It's August, which means it's probably hot out where you live. Cool off with this hilarious video of panda cubs playing in the snow at a panda playground. So cute!

Toddler Panda Fun Video

It is so funny when animals act like humans...especially when they act like human toddlers. What a funny, exploratory stage of development. This toddler panda video just cracks me up as the little thing bobbles around, flips over branches, plays with "toys" and snuggles mamma panda.

Panda Pic of the Week - Bamboozled

I think one of the many reasons I love panda's so much is that I identify with their love of eating. Do you know how much bamboo pandas eat each day? According to the San Diego Zoo, giant pandas eat up to 84 pounds of bamboo each day, spending at least 12 hours a day eating. If only I looked so good from eating all day! Nom nom nom...enjoy!
Photo of Panda Eating Bamboo
Photo courtesy of Photoeverywhere

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Mommy panda and baby panda love
If you have a love for pandas like I do, then you will love this panda website. Enjoy a rotating collection of panda pictures, panda videos, panda stories, panda facts, and all things panda.

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This giant panda filled website is here to bring happiness to all you panda supporters and lovers out there. Enjoy!